Friday, March 12, 2010

We're back...

Greetings Programs,

It's been a while since our last post. Forgive our tardiness, but it's been very busy lately in The Orkids camp and we have been hard at work preparing a whole slew of new goodies for your listening and viewing pleasure.

First off, Adam and Sandra will be returning shortly from their adventure in South Africa. Being on the other side of the world and without solid 3G coverage, our communication with them has been limited. However, the reports that we have received via Morse Code and Facebook have informed us that they are safe, happy, and have a new found respect for penguins. So, as Adam continues on his quest to locate the giant powered exoskeleton used in District 9, the rest of us can't wait for them to get back and debrief us on the whole excursion. Pictures and videos to follow!!

Next, we have officially shot a video for "Paper Dolls". We totally have to thank Jessica, Scott, and Sarah for making the ordeal extremely groovy. It can get pretty hot under the lights and we have to give them giant props for keeping us in the zone and on point. You can get pretty distracted when there is a plethora of glow in the dark face paint and Evan Williams at your disposal. Currently in post production, the "Paper Dolls" video should be hitting the world wide web in the very near future. Stay tuned as we will surely do something very special for its release.

In other news, we are pleased to announce that The Orkids have been chosen to appear on the Athfest 2010 compilation CD. The Orkids' previously unreleased track "Told You So" will appear alongside other contributions from artists including The Whigs, Five Eight, and Modern Skirts. The album will be released May 4th on Ghost Meat Records. For more information and a full track listing click here.

Finally, The Orkids have a couple of new performance dates including:

-April 1st: BMI/99x Local Only Rock Showcase @ Vinyl in Atlanta, GA w/ Trances Arc, The Falcon Lords, and Andy Lehman & the Night Moves

-April 3rd: Modern Skirts w/ The Orkids @ The Loft in Columbus, GA.

-April 16th: The Orkids @ The 40 Watt in Athens, GA w/ The Less and Today the Moon, Tomorrow the Sun.

-April 30th: 500 Songs for Kids @ Smith's Olde Bar in Atlanta GA. The Orkids perform song #403 "The Sign" by Ace of Base.

And there is still more to come in the mega month of May. Check back for updates as we promise to jack in and transmit more frequently...we've made the appropriate upgrades, I assure you.

End of line.

Josh Maximum

1 comment:

  1. We DO have a lot going on. Need to train like Rocky.
